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2015-05-28 20.57.11

2015-05-28 20.57.11

2015-03-11 01.00.25

2015-03-11 01.00.25



Welcome to Mayfield State School P and C Assoc. OSHC

At Mayfield State School Outside School Hours Care we believe in the best interests of the children, and their right to play as well as learn, in  a safe, nurturing and fun environment. This is the primary consideration in all decision making at the service and is visible in the actions, interactions and daily experiences with the children.

Check out our Children's Handbook with information about our service!

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Vision for Reconciliation at Mayfield OSHC


Our Service is proud to be developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to strengthen relationships, respect and opportunities at OSHC, around the school and with the community. 

As part of our RAP we are currently writing our Vision for Reconciliation, which is an overarching, aspirational statement that provides an opportunity to publicly articulate to the wider community
what reconciliation means to our service and wider community, and what it is that motivates our commitment to reconciliation. If you could please spare 5 minutes to complete the below survey we would greatly appreciate your opinion.

If you would like to be further involved with our Reconciliation Action Plan and be a part of our developing work group please email






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Contact Us

Tel: 3398 9599



Paget St, Carina,

Brisbane, QLD, 4152

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